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Thorstein Veblens "The theory of the leisure class" : eine Einführung / Warren J. Samuels . Eine neo-institutionelle Theorie des gesellschaftlichen Wandels in Veblens "Theory of the leisure class" / Marc R. Tool . Thorstein Veblens Beitrag zur ökonomischen Theorie / Kurt Dopfer
(Klassiker der Nationalökonomie ; . Vademecum zu einem Klassiker des Institutionellen Denkens)

Publisher Düsseldorf : Verlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen
Year c2000
Authors *Samuels, Warren J., 1933-
Tool, Marc R., 1921-
Dopfer, Kurt, 1939-

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Library Main Building 3rd fl. (Foreign Books)
3317:113:V 129909172/

Library Main Building 1st fl. (Excellent Book Collection)(2Weeks Loan)
高本/33Ve:1G 120304779X

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Material Type Books
Size 168 p. : ports. ; 20 cm
Other titles cover title:Thorstein B. Veblens "The theory of the leisure class"
spine title:Über Th. Veblens "The theory of the leisure class"
Subjects FREE:Veblen, Thorstein
Classification NDC9:331.76
Language German
ID 0000404981
ISBN 3878811489

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