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Cultural politics & the promise of democracy / edited by Henry A. Giroux

Publisher London : Paradigm
Authors Giroux, Henry A.

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1 Empire and inequality : America and the world since 9/11 / Paul Street : pbk,: cloth. - Boulder : Paradigm , c2004
2 The terror of neoliberalism / Henry A. Giroux : cloth,: Paradigm: pbk. - Boulder ; London : Paradigm Publishers. - Aurora, Ont. : Garamond Press , c2004
3 Schooling and the struggle for public life : democracy's promise and education's challenge / Henry A. Giroux : pbk,: cloth. - 2nd ed. - Boulder, Colo. : Paradigm , c2005
4 Against the terror of neoliberalism : politics beyond the age of Greed / by Henry A. Giroux : hbk,: pbk. - Boulder : Paradigm Publishers , c2008

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Other titles variant access title:Cultural politics and the promise of democracy
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ID 1000011155