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Introduction to Geographical Hydrology : Spatial Aspects of the Interactions Between Water Occurrence and Human Activity

Publisher Milton : Routledge
Year 2019
Authors Chorley, Richard J. editor

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OB00182590 Taylor & Francis eBooks Archive Collection (電子ブック) 9781000000238

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Material Type E-Book
Media type 機械可読データファイル
Size 1 online resource (221 p.)
Notes Description based upon print version of record
Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Original Title Page; Original Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; Introduction; 1. 'Physical' and 'human' geography; 2. Water as a focus of geographical interest; References; 1.II. World Water Inventory and Control; 1. Significance of world inventory; 2. Oceanic water; 3. Water aloft; 4. Rivers; A. Total discharge; B. Channel storage; 5. Wide places in rivers; 6. Inland seas; 7. Life fluid of the vegetable kingdom; 8. Biological water; 9. Unseen reservoirs; 10. Global refrigeration system; 11. Possibilities for control
4.III(ii). Primitive IrrigationReferences; 5.III. Overland Flow and Man; 1. Soil erosion; 2. Rural drainage; 3. Large-scale drainage schemes; 4. Urban drainage; References; 6.III. Human Use of Ground Water; 1. The fountains of the deep; 2. Climate and ground-water recharge; 3. Inherited ground water; 4. Cyclic ground water; 5. Management of ground water; 6. Artificial recharge; 7. Pollution; References; 7.III(i). The Human Use of Open Channels; I. Flotability; 2. Navigation; 3. Domestic and industrial uses and the problem of open-channel pollution; 4. Open channels and freshwater fisheries
5. Open channels and the preservation of wild life6. Social uses of open channels; References; 7.III(ii). Rivers as Political Boundaries; 1. Rivers as internal administrative boundaries; 2. Rivers as international boundaries; 3. Problems of international river boundaries; 4. International boundaries across river channels; References; 8.III. The Economic and Social Implications of Snow and Ice; 1. Snow as a water-supply source; 2. Recreation; 3. The negative aspects of snow and ice; References; 9.III. Human Response to Floods; 1. Man's affinity for floodplain occupance
2. Possible adjustments to floodsA. Accepting the loss; B. Public relief; C. Emergency action and rescheduling; D. Structural changes; E. Flood proofing; F. Regulation of land use; G. Flood insurance; H. Flood control; 3. Limitations to the range of choice; 4. The Lower Fraser Valley: a case study; A. The 1948 flood; B. Evolution of adjustment to floods in the Lower Fraser Valley; C. The Fraser River Board's proposed scheme; D. The Fraser River experience in the wider context; References; 10.III. Human Responses to River Regimes; 1. Flood control and streamflow routing; 2. Irrigation
3. Water-power
Originally published in this form in 1971, the content of this book was originally part of a larger composite volume 'Water, Earth and Man' (1969) which provided a synthesis of hydrology, geomorphology and socio-economic geography. This volume brings together the systematic theme of spatial aspects of the interactions between water occurrence and human activity
OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record
HTTP:URL=https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780429273322 Information=Taylor & Francis
Subjects LCSH:Human geography
FREE:NATURE / Environmental Conservation & Protection
FREE:SCIENCE / Earth Sciences / Geography
Classification LCC:GF41
ID 8000084169
ISBN 9781000000238

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