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The ecology of Indonesia series

Publisher [Singapore?] : Periplus Editions

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1 v. 1 The ecology of Sumatra / Tony Whitten ... [et al.] [Hong Kong] : Periplus , 2000, c1997
2 v. 2 The ecology of Java and Bali / Tony Whitten, Roehayat Emon Soeriaatmadja, Suraya A. Afiff [Singapore?] : Periplus Editions , c1996
3 v. 3 The ecology of Kalimantan / Kathy MacKinnon ... [et al.] [Singapore?] : Periplus Editions , c1996
4 v. 4 The ecology of Sulawesi / Tony Whitten, Muslimin Mustafa, Gregory S. Henderson [Hong Kong] : Periplus , c2002
5 v. 5 The ecology of Nusa Tenggara and Maluku / Kathryn A. Monk, Yance de Fretes, Gayatri Reksodiharjo-Lilley : Periplus,: Oxford. - [Singapore?] : Periplus Editions. - [S. I.] : Oxford University Press , c1997
6 v. 7-8 The ecology of the Indonesian Seas / Tomas Tomascik ... [et al.] pt. 1,pt. 2. - [Hong Kong] : Periplus Editions(HK) , c1997

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ID 1001044904