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農業計算学研究 / 京都大学農学部農業簿記研究施設 [編]
ノウギョウ ケイサンガク ケンキュウ

Publisher 京都 : 京都大学農学部農業簿記研究施設
Year 1967.3-1995.3
Authors 京都大学農学部農業簿記研究施設 <キョウト ダイガク ノウガクブ ノウギョウ ボキ ケンキュウ シセツ>
Notes about History of the Documents Continued by:京都大学生物資源経済研究 / 京都大学大学院農学研究科生物資源経済学専攻「生物資源経済研究」編集委員会 [編]

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Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 1-27 1967-1994 ZB:240
IER Library (Periodicals) 1-14 1967-1981 ZD:181
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IER Library (Periodicals) 12-14 1979-1981
IER Library (Periodicals) 12-14 1979-1981 5188917131 ZD:181

IER Library (Periodicals) 8-11 1974-1978
IER Library (Periodicals) 8-11 1974-1978 5188917123 ZD:181

IER Library (Periodicals) 4-7 1970-1973
IER Library (Periodicals) 4-7 1970-1973 5188917115 ZD:181

IER Library (Periodicals) 1-3 1967-1969
IER Library (Periodicals) 1-3 1967-1969 5188917107 ZD:181

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Material Type Journals
Other titles back cover title:The Farm accounting studies
Volumes(year) 1号 (1967.2)-27号 (1994.12)
Language Japanese
ID 5000001754
ISSN 02859637
Frequency annual