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宇宙はいかに創られたか / J.D.バロー, J.シルク著 ; 林一訳
ウチュウ ワ イカニ ツクラレタカ
(岩波現代選書 ; NS 545)

Publisher 東京 : 岩波書店
Year 1985.4
Authors Barrow, John D., 1952-
Silk, Joseph, 1942-
林, 一(1933-) <ハヤシ, ハジメ>

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Library Main Building 3rd fl. (in Japanese)(2 Weeks Loan)
4400:5 116003832O

Library Main Building 3rd fl. (in Japanese)(2 Weeks Loan)
4400:5A 218088321X

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Material Type Books
Size 237p ; 19cm
Other titles original title:The left hand of creation : the origin and evolution of the expanding universe
Subjects NDLSH:宇宙
Classification NDC8:443.9
Language Japanese
ID 0000022053
ISBN 4000075454

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