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土地法・取引法 / 仁井田陞著
トチホウ トリヒキホウ
(中國法制史研究 / 仁井田陞著 ; 2)

Publisher 東京 : 東京大學出版會
Year 1960.8
Authors 仁井田, 陞(1904-1966) 著 <ニイダ, ノボル>

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Library Main Building 2nd fl. (in Japanese)(2 Weeks Loan)
3220:1:2 115306645V

Library Main Building 3rd fl. (Books in Japanese)
Me:225:2 118043323P

Library Periodicals Annex 1st fl. (Kodaira Classification)
407:67:2 218006563V

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Material Type Books
Size 4, 15, 850, 20, 11p, 図版xvip ; 22cm
Other titles other title:土地法・交易法
other title:Law of land and law of transactions : a study of Chinese legal history
variant access title:土地法・取引法
Notes 中国文摘要,英文要旨: 巻末
Subjects NDLSH:法制史 -- 中国  All Subject Search
Classification NDC8:322.22
Language Japanese
ID 0000039524

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