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近代醫學發達史 / R.H.シュライオック著 ; 大城功訳
キンダイ イガク ハッタツシ

Publisher 東京 : 創元社
Year 1951.6
Authors Shryock, Richard Harrison, 1893-1972
大城, 功 <オオキ, イサオ>

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Library Periodicals Annex 1st fl. (Kodaira Classification)
934:9 118312240M

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Material Type Books
Size 15, 460, 71, 37p ; 22cm
Other titles original title:The development of modern medicine : an interpretation of the social and scientific factors involved
variant access title:近代医学発達史
Subjects NDLSH:医学 -- 歴史  All Subject Search
Classification NDC8:490.2
Language Japanese
ID 1000101589

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