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大學の理念 / ニューマン [著] ; 増野正衛譯
ダイガク ノ リネン

Publisher 東京 : 弘文堂
Year 1949.8
Authors Newman, John Henry, 1801-1890
増野, 正衛(1912-) <マスノ, マサエ>

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Library Main Building 3rd fl. (Books in Japanese)
Oh:635 118279406

Library Periodicals Annex 1st fl. (Kodaira Classification)
196:7 218019912X

IER Library
Pd:102 5188669641


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Material Type Books
Size 186p, 図版1枚 ; 20cm
Other titles original title:Select discourses from the idea of a university
variant access title:大学の理念
variant access title:ニューマン大學の理念
variant access title:ニューマン大学の理念
Notes 著者の肖像あり
Subjects NDLSH:大学
Classification NDC8:377
Language Japanese
ID 1000160857

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