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English for the global age with CNN international / Kansai University ELT Research Group

Publisher 東京 : 朝日出版社
Year 2000.4-
Authors 関西大学英語教育研究会 <カンサイ ダイガク エイゴ キョウイク ケンキュウカイ>

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Ask at the Circulation Desk(2 Weeks Loan) v. 10[CD1] 8300:329:10/CD1 110813503M

Ask at the Circulation Desk(2 Weeks Loan) v. 10[CD2] 8300:329:10/CD2 110813504N

Library Main Building 3rd fl. (in Japanese)(2 Weeks Loan) v. 6 8300:329:6 110500473L

Library Main Building 3rd fl. (in Japanese)(2 Weeks Loan) v. 6 8300:329A:6 110500474M

Library Main Building 3rd fl. (in Japanese)(2 Weeks Loan) v. 9 8300:329:9 110712030F

Library Main Building 3rd fl. (in Japanese)(2 Weeks Loan) v. 10 8300:329:10 110813502L

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Material Type Books
Size 冊 ; 24-26 cm
Other titles colophon title:CNN:ビデオで見る世界のニュース
variant access title:English for the global age with CNN
Notes V. 3. option: 1 or 2 cassette tapes
Pref. in Japanese
v. 7, 8, 9, 10. タイトル: English for the global age with CNN
V. 7.: 別売discあり
V.8, 9, 10: 付属CD2枚あり
Classification NDLC:KS15
Language English,Japanese
ID 1000010631
ISBN 4255153248

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