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Normative Plurality in International Law : A Theory of the Determination of Applicable Rules / by Carlos Iván Fuentes
(Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice. ISSN:22149902 ; 57)

Publisher (Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer)
Year 2016
Edition 1st ed. 2016.
Authors *Fuentes, Carlos Iván author
SpringerLink (Online service)

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OB00170236 Springer Law and Criminology eBooks (電子ブック) 9783319439297

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Material Type E-Book
Media type 機械可読データファイル
Size XXVI, 240 p : online resource
Notes Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. Talking About Sources: The Constant Reliance on a Non-Objectified Element -- Chapter 3. The Imperfect Paradigm: Article 38 of The Statute Of The International Court Of Justice -- Chapter 4. Human Rights as a New Paradigm -- Chapter 5. Normative Plurality in International Law -- Chapter 6. General Conclusion
This book provides a theoretical framework for explaining the choices made by international decision-makers in terms of what constitutes law. It comprehensively analyzes the practice of human rights courts in applying legal instruments outside their competence and proposes that this practice recognizes that different normative instruments coexist in an un-ordered space, and that meaning can be produced by the free interaction of those instruments around a problem. Based on this, the book advances its normative plurality hypothesis, which states that decision-makers must survey the acquis of international law in order to identify all the instruments containing relevant normative information for a particular situation. The set of rules of law applicable to the situation must then be complemented with other instruments containing specific normative information relevant to the situation, resulting in a complete system of norms advancing a common purpose
Subjects LCSH:Private international law
LCSH:Conflict of laws
LCSH:International law
LCSH:Comparative law
LCSH:Public law 
LCSH:Human rights
FREE:Private International Law, International and Foreign Law, Comparative Law
FREE:Sources and Subjects of International Law, International Organizations
FREE:Public Law
FREE:Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History
FREE:Human Rights
Classification LCC:K7000-7720.22
ID 8000066436
ISBN 9783319439297

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