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Bibliography of agriculture / United States Department of Agriculture, Library

Publisher Washington, D.C. : nited States. Dept. of Agriculture. Library
Year 1943-
Authors United States. Dept. of Agriculture. Library

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Material Type Journals
Size v. ; 28 cm
Other titles abbreviated title:Bibliogr. agric
key title:Bibliography of agriculture
Notes Continues: Bibliography of agriculture, vol. 1-v. 2, no. 5, issued in sections: A, Agricultural economics and rural sociology; B, Agricultural engineering; C, Entomology; D. Plant science; E. Forestry; F, Food processing and distribution
Subject index issued as no. 12 of each vol
VLYR of LC MARC: Vol. 3, no. 1 (July 1943)-v. 39. no. 12 (Dec. 1975)
Volumes(year) Vol. 3, no. 1 (July 1943)-
Subjects MESH:Agriculture -- bibliography -- periodicals  All Subject Search
Language English
ID 6000010312
ISSN 00061530
Frequency monthly

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