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RETHINKING COPYRIGHT FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT : higher education and access to... knowledge

Publisher [S.l.] : ROUTLEDGE
Year 2021
Authors *Hirko, Sileshi Bedasie

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OB00178766 Taylor & Francis eBooks (電子ブック) 9781000477283

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Material Type E-Book
Media type 機械可読データファイル
Size 1 online resource
Notes This book explores the interface between copyright and higher education, and their complementarities for the advancement of sustainable human development.In its broader sense, theconcept of human development is noted as a set of freedoms and human capabilities that are essential for human flourishing. Adopting a rights-based human development and capability approach (HDCA), this book primarily examines the relevant policy and legal exibilities under the existing international copyright system, and their implications for access to knowledge required for creative innovation and higher education. Exploring the interfaces between copyright and higher education, this book argues that an unbalanced and restrictive copyright system impedes reasonable access to knowledge, and stifles creative and learning freedoms or capabilities. In effect, a restrictive copyright system results in serious ramifications for sustainable human development. In view of its findings, this book underscores the need for rethinking copyright and reframing its relevant exibilities as users' rights that are vital for promoting creative and learning capabilities towards sustainable human development. Further, the book emphasizes the complementarities between copyright and higher education, and their joint roles for sustainable human development. Given its application of the HDCA to explore ranges of interlinked topics, thisbook will be of a great interest to researchers across the fields of intellectual property law, innovation, global development, human rights, and higher education
OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record
HTTP:URL=https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781003214298 Information=Taylor & Francis
HTTP:URL=http://www.oclc.org/content/dam/oclc/forms/terms/vbrl-201703.pdf Information=OCLC metadata license agreement
Subjects FREE:LAW / Intellectual Property / Copyright
FREE:SOCIAL SCIENCE / Third World Development
LCSH:Education, Higher
LCSH:Academic freedom
LCSH:Developmental psychology
LCSH:Sustainable development
Classification LCC:LB2325
ID 8000080714
ISBN 9781000477283

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