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Discussion paper / 一橋大学経済研究所中核的拠点形成プロジェクト [編]

Publisher [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Year 1996.1-
Authors 一橋大学経済研究所アジア長期経済統計データベースプロジェクト <ヒトツバシ ダイガク ケイザイ ケンキュウジョ アジア チョウキ ケイザイ トウケイ データベース プロジェクト>
一橋大学経済研究所 <ヒトツバシ ダイガク ケイザイ ケンキュウジョ>

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1 No. D96-3 韓国(戦前「朝鮮」を含む)長期経済統計の作成方針 / 溝口敏行 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1996.2
2 No. D96-4 台湾長期経済統計データベース = Long-term economic statistics datebase of Taiwan / 溝口敏行 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1996.2
3 No. D96-5 アジア長期経済統計データベース序説 : 拠点形成プロジェクト(COE)第1回全体研究会議事録 [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1996.2
4 No. D96-13 中国の長期国民所得推計と課題 : COEプロジェクト中国部会第3回研究会記録 / 石川滋 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997.1
5 No. D96-14 中国における国民所得推計の現状と展望 / 劉佛丁, 王玉茹 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997.2
6 No. D96-16 中国の国民経済計算体系 : 遡及系列推計のための方法論 / 李強 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997.2
7 No. D96-15 North Korean industry, 1946-50 / Mitsuhiko Kimura [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997
8 No. D96-1 Change in paddy yield per acre in Tamilnadu : a consideration of statistics / Haruka Yanagisawa [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1996
9 No. D96-2 China's economic reform and fiscal management : a view from central-local relations / Eiji Tajika [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1995
10 No. D96-6 National income in post-war central Asia / Masa[a]ki Kuboniwa [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1996
11 No. D96-7 Condition of agricultural production in North Korea in 1946-49 / Mitsuhiko Kimura [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1996
12 No. D96-8 Estimating historical GDP of Asian countries : some experiences from Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam / Pierre van der Eng [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1996
13 No. D96-10 Economic growth in postwar Russia : estimating GDP / Masaaki Kuboniwa [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1996
14 No. D96-9 アジア諸国における農業長期経済統計の推計方法に関するノート / 川越俊彦 [著] = A note on the estimation methods of long term economic statistics on agriculture in Asian countries / Toshihiko Kawagoe [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1996.10
15 No. DP96-12 金融班の推計作業の方針について / 寺西重郎 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1996.12
16 No. DP96-11 Russian output drop in early transition and its macro-and microeconomic implications / Masaaki Kuboniwa [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1996
17 No. D97-1 汎アジア圏長期経済統計データベース作成の方法 / 尾高煌之助 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997.4
18 No. D97-6 「満州国」国民所得統計について / 山本有造 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1997.6
19 No. D97-13 ベトナム長期経済統計 : 1976-1995 / トラン・ヴァン・トゥ = Vietnam's long-term economic statistics : 1976-1995 / by Tran Van Tho [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.1
20 No. D97-14 インド型金融システムの形成と構造 / 絵所秀紀 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.1
21 No. D97-15 北朝鮮経済の分析方法 : 文献と統計 / 木村光彦 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.1
22 No. D97-16 1910年代中国工業生産額の推計 : 『農商統計表』の評価と修正 / 関権 [著] = An estimate of production value in China's manufacturing industry in the 1910s : an evaluation and revision of "statistical tables on China's agriculture and commerce" / Guan Quan [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.1
23 No. D97-17 ビルマ農業長期統計(植民地期)推計に関して / 岡本郁子 [著] = On the estimation process of long term economic statistics on agriculture in Burma (colonial period) / by Ikuko Okamoto [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.1
24 No. D97-18 中国工業生産額の推計 : 1993年 = Estimates of Chinese manufacturing output in 1993 / 牧野文夫, 久保亨 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.2
25 No. D97-19 エジプト農業労働力の動態 / 長沢栄治 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.2
26 No. D97-21 インド政治と物価変動 / 佐藤宏 [著] = Indian politics and price movement / Hiroshi Sato [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.2
27 No. D97-27 インドにおける農業統計と農業生産推計 / 柳沢悠 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.2
28 No. D97-29 マレーシアの金融発展と貯蓄動員 : 銀行・年金基金・投資信託の役割 / 首藤恵 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.3
29 No. D97-23 中国東北地方における農村実態調査 : 康徳三(1936)年度、満洲国農村実態調査報告書にある統計資料について / 江夏由樹 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.2
30 No. D97-24 植民地期フィリピン貿易構造の再検討 : いわゆる「アジア間貿易」との関係を中心として / 永野善子 [著] = Re-examining the foreign trade structure of the colonial Philippines : with special reference to the "Intra-Asian trade" / Yoshiko Nagano [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.2
31 No. D97-26 植民地期インドネシアの貿易統計 : 1909-1923年 : 相手国別品目別データの編纂 / 加納啓良 [著] = Foreign trade statistics of the colonial Indonesia 1909-1923 : data compilation by partner areas and kinds of commodity / Hiroyoshi Kano [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.2
32 No. D97-20 インドの国民所得統計 : 1950-51--1990-91年 / 小島眞 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.3
33 No. D97-31 戦前の中国物価推計に関する考察 / 王玉茹 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.3
34 No. D97-32 相対価格変動と近代中国の経済発展 / 王玉茹 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.3
35 No. D97-30 韓国の国民経済計算と生産指数 / 張成鉉 [著] = National accounts and production indexes of Korea / Jang, Sunghyun [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1998.2
36 No. D97-3 The estimation of employment in Taiwan, 1898-1942 / Ching-his Chang and Ying-chuan Liu [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997
37 No. D97-2 The size and structure of the workforce in Taiwan, 1905-1930 / I-Ling Liu, Osamu Saito and Tadayoshi Taniguchi [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997
38 No. D97-4 A revised estimate of Taiwan's GDP : 1902-1952 / HUI-wen Koo and Tsong-min Wu [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997
39 No. D97-5 The evolution of Taiwan's industrial output structure : 1912-1990 / Yeh, Shu-jen [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997
40 No. D97-22 Demographic change in rural Egypt, 1882-1917 : population of Mudiriya, Markaz and Madina / Hirofumi Tanada [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1998
41 No. D97-25 Understanding and sharing Asian economic history : on the significance of the Asian statistics database project / by Konosuke Odaka [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1998
42 No. D97-28 Re-examining the foreign trade structure of the colonial Philippines : with special reference to the "Intra-Asian trade" / Yoshiko Nagano [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1998
43 no.D97-10 タイにおける労働力調査と事業所調査 / 末廣昭 [著] [国立] : 一橋大学経済研究所アジア長期経済データベースプロジェクト・タイ班 , 1997.9
44 no.D97-12 パキスタンの国民所得統計 : 農業部門を中心に / 黒崎卓 [著] = National accounts statistics of Pakistan with special emphasis on agriculture / by Takashi Kurosaki [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997.10
45 No. D97-9 民国人口 : 研究史の整理と展望 / 南亮進監修 ; 羅歓鎮 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997.8
46 no.D97-11 米国CIAのソ連長期GNP推計 / 栖原学 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997.10
47 No. D97-7 Economic reform and fiscal management of Viet Nam / Eiji Tajika [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997
48 No. D97-8 Revising long-term national accounts statistics of Taiwan 1912-1990 : a comparison of estimates of production accounts to expenditure accounts / Toshiyuki Mizoguchi [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1997
49 No. D98-2 エジプトの統計制度と統計事情 : 政府統計と統計機構を中心に / 加藤博 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.5
50 No. D98-1 インドネシアのサービス業部門GVAの長期推計 / 寺西重郎, 横山和輝 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.4
51 No. D98-10 戦時華北の工場調査について / 久保亨 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.8
52 No. D98-3 北朝鮮農業の分析 : 1960-70年代の非数量データを中心に / 木村光彦 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.4
53 No. D98-4 戦前期日露貿易の統計的分析 / 村上隆著 [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.5
54 No. D98-11 アジア通貨危機と均衡為替レート / 宮川努, 外谷英樹 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.9
55 No. D98-5 戦後中国の全国人口統計 : 資料の吟味と時系列統計の試み / 薛進軍, 前田比呂子, 南亮進 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.5
56 No. D98-15 国際資本移動 : 資本は豊かな国から貧しい国に流れるか / 深尾京司 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1999.1
57 No. D98-16 カザフスタンの人口移動 / 岡奈津子 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1999.3
58 No. D98-12 植民地期朝鮮と台湾の民族工業に関する比較研究 / 安秉直 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1998.11
59 No. D98-8 Exchange rates and exchange rate policies in Vietnam under French rule (1895-1954) / Jean-Pascal Bassino [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1998
60 No. D98-7 Estimating population and labour force in Vietnam under French rule (1900-1954) / Maks Banens, Jean-Pascal Bassino and Eric Egretaud [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1998
61 No. D98-6 Estimating long term economic statistics of Vietnam under French rule (1895-1954) : on sources and methods / Jean-Pascal Bassino and Jean-Dominique Giacometti [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1998
62 No. D98-9 Indonesia's new national accounts / Pierre van der Eng [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1998
63 No. D98-14 Prices and wages in Viet-nam before 1954 / Jean-Dominique Giacometti [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1998
64 No. D98-13 Bridging a gap : a reconstruction of population patterns in Indonesia : 1930-1961 / Pierre van der Eng [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1998
65 No. D99-4 1945-50年の北朝鮮財政資料 / 木村光彦 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1999.8
66 No. D99-2 ロシア国立経済文書館とソ連およびロシアの経済統計 / チューリナ E.A. [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1999.5
67 No. D99-12 ベトナムの労働力統計に関する予備的調査 / トラン・バン・トウ, 浅野一美 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.2
68 No. D99-13 日本・台湾・韓国の長期成長の分析 : 1915-1990 / 溝口敏行, 貫名貴洋 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.2
69 No. D99-15 インドの労働統計 : 人口センサスの信頼性 / 宇佐美好文 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.2
70 No. D99-17 戦前朝鮮の金融データ概観 : 「朝鮮金融事項参考書」より / 神門善久 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.3
71 No. D99-16 中国東北地方における農業生産 : 康徳三(1936)年度, 満洲国農村実態調査報告書にある統計資料を中心に / 江夏由樹 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.2
72 No. D99-5 Korea長期経済統計データベースの作成 : 国民経済計算の推定 / 溝口敏行 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1999.11
73 No. D99-6 タイ統計制度発達史序論 : 国家統計局, 人口センサス, 国民所得 / 末廣昭 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1999.12
74 No. D99-7 中国鉱業生産額の推計 : 1912-1949年 = Estimates of Chinese mining output : 1912-1949 / 関権, 牧野文夫 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1999.12
75 No. D99-8 タイ農業の生産成長の軌跡 : 長期経済統計の推計 : 1950-1996年 / 新谷正彦 [編] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 1999.12
76 No. D99-9 戦前期タイの賃金・物価統計 / 末廣昭, 南原真, 柿崎一郎 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.1
77 No. D99-19 1945-48年の北朝鮮産業資料 / 木村光彦 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.2
78 No. D99-20 インドネシア製造業センサス調査の検討ノート : 長期経済統計推計のための基礎作業 / 石渡茂, 橋野知子 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.2
79 No. D99-21 戦前期フィリピン農産物統計 : 1902-1946 = Agricultural statistics in the Philippnes : 1902-1946 / 神林龍, 尾高煌之助 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.3
80 No. D99-23 経済発展と産業立地 : 台湾製造業センサス・データによる分析 / 園部哲史, 川上桃子 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 2000.3
81 No. D99-26 戦前インドの有業人口推計 / 小野章一, 斎藤修 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.3
82 No. D99-29 戦後台湾の金融統計 : 概観 / 福田慎一 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.3
83 No. D99-30 インドの植民地金融 : 1900-1939 / 野村親義 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.3
84 No. D99-31 植民地期インドのマネーサプライの推計 : 1900-1947 / 野村親義 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.3
85 No. D99-25 戦前台湾の人口統計にかんする若干の検討 / 劉怡怜, 斎藤修, 谷口忠義 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.3
86 No. D99-27 戦後中国の工業物価指数に関する推計 : 1952-1997年 / 劉徳強 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.2
87 No. D99-28 戦前中国の鉄道統計と鉄道事業所得の推計 : 国有鉄道を中心に / 郝仁平 [著] [国立] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi Unversity , 2000.3
88 No. D99-1 Indonesia's growth performance during the twentieth century / Pierre van der Eng [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1999
89 No. D99-3 The present and future prospects of the North Korean economy / Myung Chul Cho and Hyoungsoo Zang [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 1999
90 No. D99-10 An alternative estimation of the post-war Chinese industrial production and growth / Harry X. Wu [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 2000
91 No. D99-11 Money and banking in Malaysia in the light of Asian financial crisis / Megumi Suto [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 2000
92 No. D99-14 Industrial output estimates in Republican China / by Toru Kubo, Quan Guan, Fumio Makino [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 2000
93 No. D99-18 Estimating purchasing power parity converters for international comparisons across Asian countries : prewar case / Hironobu Nakagawa [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 2000
94 No. D99-22 Regional income convergence in the Philippines / Kaoru Hosono and Hideki Toya [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 2000
95 No. D99-24 Compilation of agricultural production data for India and Pakistan areas, c.1900-1990 / Takashi Kurosaki [Kunitachi] : Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University , 2000

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