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EPA world econometric model discussion paper

Publisher [Tokyo] : Economic Research Institute, Economic Planning Agency, Government of Japan
Authors 経済企画庁経済研究所 <ケイザイ キカクチョウ ケイザイ ケンキュウジョ>

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1 no. 1 Japan : econometric model for short-term prediction / [edited by the Group of the EPA world model] August, 1980 version. - [Tokyo] : Economic Research Institute, Economic Planning Agency, Govt. of Japan , 1980
2 no. 19 . EPA world economic model ; vol. 1 Model structure / [edited by the Group of the EPA world model] January 1991 version. - [Tokyo] : Economic Research Institute, Economic Planning Agency, Govt. of Japan , 1991.9
3 no. 19 . EPA world economic model ; vol. 2 Multipliers / [edited by the Group of the EPA world model] January 1991 version. - [Tokyo] : Economic Research Institute, Economic Planning Agency, Govt. of Japan , 1991.9

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Material Type Books
Size v . ; 30 cm
Language English
ID 1000057446