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Nuclear history program

Publisher Oxford : Clarendon Press

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1 1 Nuclear weapons and British strategic planning, 1955-1958 / Martin S. Navias Oxford : Clarendon Press. - New York : Oxford University Press , 1991
2 2 Nuclear diplomacy and the special relationship : Britain's deterrent and America, 1957-1962 / Ian Clark Oxford ; Tokyo : Clarendon Press , 1994
3 3 Britain, Germany, and western nuclear strategy / Christoph Bluth Oxford : Clarendon Press. - New York : Oxford University Press , 1995
4 4 Ambiguity and deterrence : British nuclear strategy, 1945-1964 / John Baylis Oxford ; New York : Clarendon Press , 1995
5 5 NATO and the nuclear revolution : a crisis of credibility, 1966-1967 / Helga Haftendorn Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1996

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Material Type Books
ID 1000060299