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The American men of letters series

Publisher London : Methuen

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1 Sherwood Anderson / Irving Howe London : Methuen , 1951
2 Henry David Thoreau / Joseph Wood Krutch London : Methuen , 1948
3 Emily Dickinson / Richard Chase London : Methuen , 1952
4 Henry James / F. W. Dupee London : Methuen , 1951
5 James Fenimore Cooper / James Grossman London : Methuen , 1950
6 Nathaniel Hawthorne / Mark Van Doren London : Methuen , [1948?]
7 Stephen Crane / John Berryman London : Methuen , 1950
8 Herman Melville / Newton Arvin London : Methuen , 1950
9 Edwin Arlington Robinson / by Emery Neff London : Methuen , [1948]

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Material Type Books
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ID 1000063118