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Chiasmi international : nouvelle série

Publisher Paris : Vrin
Publisher Milano : Mimesis
Publisher Memphis, Tenn. : University of Memphis

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1 Nouv. sér. ; 1 Merleau-Ponty : l'héritage contemporain : the contemporary heritage : l'eredità contemporanea / [textes de Renaud Barbaras ... et al.] : Vrin,: Mimesis. - Paris : Vrin. - Milano : Mimesis. - Memphis : University of Memphis , c1999

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Other titles other title:Chiasmi international : nouvelle série : new series : nuova serie
other title:Chiasm international : publication trilingue autour de la pensée de Merleau-Ponty : trilingual studies concerning Merleau-Ponty's thought : pubblicazione trilingue intorno al pensiero di Merleau-Ponty
other title:Chiasm international : publication trilingue autour de la pensée de Merleau-Ponty : trilingual studies concerning the thought of Merleau-Ponty : pubblicazione trilingue intorno al pensiero di Merleau-Ponty
Notes Publisher varies: Manchester : Clinamen Press
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ID 1000071640