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Renaissance monographs

Publisher Tokyo : Renaissance Institute, Sophia University

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1 7 An anthology of mediaeval thinkers : prolegomena to mediaeval and Renaissance literature / Peter Milward Tokyo, Japan : Renaissance Institute : Aratake Shuppan , 1980, c1975
2 9 Poetry and drama in the age of Shakespeare : essays in honour of Professor Shonosuke Ishii's seventieth birthday / edited by Peter Milward, Tetsuo Anzai Tokyo, Japan : Renaissance Institute, Sophia University : Aratake Shuppan , 1982
3 10 Nature triumphant, approach to The winter's tale / Soji Iwasaki Tokyo, Japan : Renaissance Institute, Sophia University , 1984
4 11 Biblical influence in the great tragedies / Peter Milward Tokyo, Japan : Renaissance Institute, Sophia University : Aratake Shuppan , 1985
5 12 Shakespeare and Montaigne reconsidered / Tetsuo Anzai Tokyo, Japan : Renaissance Institute, Sophia University : Aratake Shuppan , 1986
6 13 Poetry and faith in the English Renaissance : essays in honour of Professor Toyohiko Tatsumi's seventieth birthday / edited by Peter Milward Tokyo : Renaissance Institute, Sophia University , c1987
7 14 A commentary on the Holy sonnets of John Donne / Peter Milward Tokyo : Renaissance Institute, Sophia University , 1988
8 16 The exterior and the interior : a renaissance theme in King Lear / by Yoshiko Nagata Tokyo : Renaissance Institute, Sophia University , 1990
9 17 Art and emblem : early seventeenth-century English poetry of devotion / by Thomas Heffernan Tokyo : The Renaissance Institute , c1991
10 18 Icons in English Renaissance drama / Sōji Iwasaki Tokyo, Japan : Renaissance Institute, Sophia University , c1992
11 19 The mutual encounter of east and west, 1492-1992 / edited by Peter Milward Tokyo : The Renaissance Institute, Sophia University , c1992
12 20 Portuguese Voyages to Asia and Japan in the Renaissance Period / edited by Peter Milward Tokyo : The Renaissance Institute, Sophia University : c1994
13 21 Jesuit plays on Japan and English recusancy / an essay by Masahiro Takenaka ; with editions and translations by Charles Burnett Tokyo : Renaissance Institute, Sophia University , c1995
14 22 John Milton and the image of dance / Francoise Carter Tokyo : The Renaissance Institute, Sophia University , 1996
15 23 The catholicism of Shakespeare's plays / Peter Milward Tokyo, Japan : Renaissance Institute, Sophia University , 1997

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Material Type Books
Other titles variant access title:ルネッサンス研究
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ID 1000074737