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Anti-Bolshevik Communism
(Routledge Revivals)

Publisher (London : Taylor and Francis)
Year 2017
Edition First edition.
Authors *Jr., Paul Mattick author

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OB00183958 Taylor & Francis eBooks Archive Collection (電子ブック) 1351715593

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Material Type E-Book
Media type 機械可読データファイル
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Notes "This title was first published in 1978:? Communism aims at putting working people in charge of their lives. A multiplicity of Councils, rather than a big state bureaucracy is needed to empower working people and to focus control over society. Mattick develops a theory of a council communism through his survey of the history of the left in Germany and Russia. He challenges Bolshevik politics: especially their perspectives on questions of Party and Class, and the role of Trade Unions. Mattick argues that a??The revolutions which succeeded, first of all, in Russia and China, were not proletarian revolutions in the Marxist sense, leading to the a??association of free and equal producersa??, but state-capitalist revolutions, which were objectively unable to issue into socialism. Marxism served here as a mere ideology to justify the rise of modified capitalist systems, which were no longer determined by market competition but controlled by way of the authoritarian state. Based on the peasantry, but designed with accelerated industrialisation to create an industrial proletariat, they were ready to abolish the traditional bourgeoisie but not capital as a social relationship. This type of capitalism had not been foreseen by Marx and the early Marxists, even though they advocated the capture of state-power to overthrow the bourgeoisie a?? but only in order to abolish the state itself.a??"--Provided by publisher
Chapter I Karl Kautsky: From Marx to Hitler -- chapter II Luxemburg versus Lenin -- chapter III The Lenin Legend -- chapter IV Bolshevism and Stalinism -- chapter V Council Communism -- chapter VI Otto Ruhle and the German Labour Movement -- chapter VII Spontaneity and Organisation -- chapter VIII Karl Korsch: His Contribution to Revolutionary Marxism -- chapter IX Humanism and Socialism -- chapter X Marxism and the New Physics -- chapter XI Monopoly Capital -- chapter XII Workers{u2019} Control
OCLC-licensed vendor bibliographic record
HTTP:URL=https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9781315179186 Pub. note=Click here to view. Information=Taylor & Francis
Subjects LCSH:Communism
Classification LCC:HX40
ID 8000085511
ISBN 1351715593

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