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Commodity trade. Series B, Analysis by main regions / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development = Commerce par produits. Série B, Analyse par grandes régions / Organisation de Coopération et de développment économiques

Publisher Paris : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 1966-1967
Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Notes about History of the Documents Continues:Foreign trade. Series B, Analytical abstracts = Commerce extérieur. Série B, Résumés analytiques
Continued by:Trade by commodities. Series B, Analytical abstracts / Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development = Echanges par produits. Série B, Tableaux analytiques / Organisation de Coópération et de développement économiques

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IER Library (Periodicals) 1966-1967 1966-1967 ZL:88:B
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Please select year.Confirm a magazine published in the year.
IER Library (Periodicals) 1967(1-6/Jan-Dec) 1967-
IER Library (Periodicals) 1967(1-6/Jan-Dec) 1967- 5289634882 ZL:88:B

IER Library (Periodicals) 1967(1-6/Jan-Sep) 1967-
IER Library (Periodicals) 1967(1-6/Jan-Sep) 1967- 5289634874 ZL:88:B

IER Library (Periodicals) 1967(1-6/Jan-June) 1967-
IER Library (Periodicals) 1967(1-6/Jan-June) 1967- 5289634817 ZL:88:B

IER Library (Periodicals) 1967(1-6/Jan-Mar) 1967-
IER Library (Periodicals) 1967(1-6/Jan-Mar) 1967- 5289634825 ZL:88:B

IER Library (Periodicals) 1966(1-6/Jan-Dec) 1966-
IER Library (Periodicals) 1966(1-6/Jan-Dec) 1966- 5289634809 ZL:88:B

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Material Type Journals
Other titles variant access title:Statistics of foreign trade. Ser. B, Commodity trade
variant access title:OECD foreign trade
Notes Each quarter issued in six parts
Volumes(year) Jan./June 1966 (Jan./June 1966)-Jan./Dec. 1967 (Jan./Dec. 1967)
Language English,French
ID 6000009079
Frequency quarterly