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Priser for frugt, grønsager og kartofler = Preise für Obst, Gemüse und Kartoffeln = Prices of fruit, vegetables and potatoes

Publisher Luxembourg : Kontoret for de europæiske fællesskabers officielle publikationer
Year 1976-1977
Authors Statistical Office of the European Communities
Notes about History of the Documents Continues:Landbrugspriser. Frugt, grønsager og kartofler = Agrarpreise. Obst, Gemüse und Kartoffeln = Agricultural prices. Fruit, vegetables and potatoes

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IER Library 1974-1976 1974-1976 Le.70:24
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IER Library 1975-1976 1975-1976
IER Library 1975-1976 1975-1976 5289234360 Le.70:24:1975-1976

IER Library 1974-1975 1974-1975
IER Library 1974-1975 1974-1975 5289234352 Le.70:24:1974-1975

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Material Type Journals
Size 2 v. ; 30 cm
Other titles other title:Prix des fruits, légumes et pommes de terre
other title:Prezzi di frutta, ortaggi e patate
other title:Prijz en van fruit, groenten en aardappelen
Notes Parallel title: Prix des fruits, légumes et pommes de terre; Prezzi di frutta, ortaggi e patate; Prijz en van fruit, groenten en aardappelen
Volumes(year) 1974/1975 (1974/1975)-1975/1976 (1975/1976)
Language German,English,French,Italian
ID 6000025601