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xi ju yi shu lun cong ギゲキ ゲイジュツ ロンソウ

Publisher 北京 : 人民文学出版社
Year 1979.10-1980.10
Authors 人民文学出版社 <ジンミン ブンガク シュッパンシャ> <ren min wen xue chu ban she>
戏剧艺术论丛编辑部 <ギゲキ ゲイジュツ ロンソウ ヘンシュウブ> <xi ju yi shu lun cong bian ji bu>
Notes about History of the Documents Continued by:戯劇論叢

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Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 1-3 1979-1980 ZY:271
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Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 3 1980-1980
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 3 1980-1980 1183867810 ZY:271

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 2 1980-1980
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 2 1980-1980 118386780% ZY:271

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 1 1979-1979
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 1 1979-1979 1183867797 ZY:271

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Material Type Journals
Size 3冊 ; 26cm
Other titles variant access title:戏剧艺术论丛
variant access title:戯劇芸術論叢
Notes 表紙に表示されたピンイン表示: xiju yishu luncong
出版者変更: 人民文学出版社 (1辑 (1979.10))→中国戏剧出版社 (2辑 (1980.4)-3辑 (1980.10))
奥付による编辑者表示変更: 人民文学出版社 (1辑 (1979.10))→戏剧艺术论丛编辑部 (2辑 (1980.4)-3辑 (1980.10))
Volumes(year) 1辑 (1979.10)-3辑 (1980.10)
Language Chinese
ID 5000004923