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大阪電気通信大学研究論集. 人文・社会科学篇
オオサカ デンキ ツウシン ダイガク ケンキュウ ロンシュウ. ジンブン・シャカイ カガクヘン

Publisher 寝屋川 : 大阪電気通信大学
Year 1965.4-1997.3
Authors 大阪電気通信大学 <オオサカ デンキ ツウシン ダイガク>
大阪電気通信大学研究論集編集委員会 <オオサカ デンキ ツウシン ダイガク ケンキュウ ロンシュウ ヘンシュウ イインカイ>
Notes about History of the Documents Continued by:大阪電気通信大学人間科学研究 / 大阪電気通信大学 [編]

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Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 1-28 1965-1993 ZA:385
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Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 26-28 1991-1993
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 26-28 1991-1993 119570506Y ZA:385

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 20-25 1984-1990
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 20-25 1984-1990 119270492Z ZA:385

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 16-19 1980-1983
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 16-19 1980-1983 119270491Y ZA:385

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 13-15 1977-1979
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 13-15 1977-1979 118382531W ZA:385

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 8-12 1972-1976
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 8-12 1972-1976 118382532X ZA:385

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 4-7 1968-1971
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 4-7 1968-1971 118382533Y ZA:385

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 1-3 1965-1967
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 1-3 1965-1967 118382534Z ZA:385

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Material Type Journals
Size 冊 ; 26cm
Other titles back cover title:Reports of the College of Ōsaka Electro-Communication. Social science and humanity
other title:Reports of Ōsaka Electro-Communication University. Social science and humanity
other title:Reports of Osaka Electro-Communication University. Engineering and natural science
other title:Reports of Osaka Electro-Communication University. Social sciece and humanity
other title:Reports of Osaka Electro-Communication University. Social science and humanity
other title:Memoirs of Osaka Electro-Communication University. Humanities and social science
other title:研究論集. 人文・社会科学篇
Notes 責任表示: 大阪電気通信大学 (24号 (1989.3)-)
裏表紙タイトル変更: Reports of the College of Ōsaka Electro-Communication. Social science and humanity (1号 (1965))→Reports of Ōsaka Electro-Communication University. Social science and humanity (2号 (1966)-10号 (1974))→Reports of Osaka Electro-Communication University. Engineering and natural science (11号 (1975))→Reports of Osaka Electro-Communication University. Social sciece and humanity (12号 (1976))→Reports of Osaka Electro-Communication University. Social science and humanity (13号 (1977)-21号 (1985))→Memoirs of Osaka Electro-Communication University. Humanities and social science (22号 (1986)-)
背表紙タイトル: 研究論集. 人文・社会科学篇 (24号 (1989.3)-)
奥付に表示の編集者: 大阪電気通信大学研究論集編集委員会 (-3号 (1967))
Volumes(year) 1号 (1965)-32号 (1997.3)
Language Japanese
ID 5000000246
ISSN 09103597
Frequency annual