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通信総合研究所季報 = Review of the Communications Research Laboratory / 郵政省通信総合研究所情報管理部情報管理課
ツウシン ソウゴウ ケンキュウジョ キホウ

Publisher 東京 : 電気通信振興会
Year 1988-2003
Authors 郵政省通信総合研究所情報管理部情報管理課 <ユウセイショウ ツウシン ソウゴウ ケンキュウジョ ジョウホウ カンリブ ジョウホウ カンリカ>
Notes about History of the Documents Continues:電波研究所季報 / 郵政省電波研究所 = Quarterly review / the Radio Research Laboratories
Continued by:情報通信研究機構季報 = Review of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

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Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 34(171-173),35-49 1988-2003 ZG:58
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Please select year.Confirm a magazine published in the year.
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 49(1)-49(4) 2003-2003
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 49(1)-49(4) 2003-2003 110472017N ZG:58

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 48(1)-48(4) 2002-2002
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 48(1)-48(4) 2002-2002 110470675V ZG:58

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 47(1)-47(4) 2001-2001
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 47(1)-47(4) 2001-2001 110371138P ZG:58

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 44-46 1998-2000
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 44-46 1998-2000 110171857V ZG:58 46(1-3)発行なし
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 43(1)-43(4) 1997-1997
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 43(1)-43(4) 1997-1997 1198719171 ZG:58

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 42(1)-42(4) 1996-1996
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 42(1)-42(4) 1996-1996 119772000R ZG:58

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 41(1)-41(4) 1995-1995
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 41(1)-41(4) 1995-1995 1196716952 ZG:58

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 40(1)-40(4) 1994-1994
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 40(1)-40(4) 1994-1994 219501947 ZG:58

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 39(1)-39(4) 1993-1993
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 39(1)-39(4) 1993-1993 219402247V ZG:58

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 38(1)-38(4) 1992-1992
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 38(1)-38(4) 1992-1992 219302325R ZG:58

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 37(1)-37(5) 1991-1991
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 37(1)-37(5) 1991-1991 219203247U ZG:58

Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 36(178)-36(181) 1990-1990
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 36(178)-36(181) 1990-1990 219103363S ZG:58 (特集号:8号〜11号)
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 35(174)-35(177) 1989-1989
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 35(174)-35(177) 1989-1989 218107498/ ZG:58 (特集号:7号)
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 34(170)-34(173) 1988-1988
Library Periodicals Annex 3rd fl. (Bound Periodicals) 34(170)-34(173) 1988-1988 218090893/ ZG:58 (特集号:6号)

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Material Type Journals
Notes 休刊: 46巻1-3号 (2000.3-2000.11)
49巻3,4号 (2003.9/11)には通巻230,231号の表示あり
Volumes(year) 34巻171号 (昭63.6)-49巻3,4号 (2003.9/11)
Language Japanese
ID 5000006122
ISSN 09149279
Frequency quarterly