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亜細亜大学国際関係紀要 / 亜細亜大学国際関係学会, 亜細亜学園創立50周年記念学術論文集編纂小委員会
アジア ダイガク コクサイ カンケイ キヨウ

Publisher 武蔵野 : 亜細亜大学国際関係学会 : 亜細亜学園創立50周年記念学術論文集編纂小委員会
Year 1991.11-
Authors 亜細亜大学国際関係学会 <アジア ダイガク コクサイ カンケイ ガッカイ>
亜細亜大学国際関係研究所 <アジア ダイガク コクサイ カンケイ ケンキュウジョ>
亜細亜学園創立50周年記念学術論文集編纂小委員会 <アジア ガクエン ソウリツ 50シュウネン キネン ガクジュツ ロンブンシュウ ヘンサン ショウイインカイ>
URL1 https://asia-u.repo.nii.ac.jp/

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Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 3-30 1993-2021 ZN:137 31巻(2021年)以降は亜細亜大学機関リポジトリ(上記URL1)でご覧ください
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Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 30 2021-2021
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 30 2021-2021 114022119L ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 29 2019-2020
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 29 2019-2020 114020891Q ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 26-28 2017-2019
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 26-28 2017-2019 114019791X ZN:137

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Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 24-25 2015-2016 114015833Q ZN:137

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Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 22-23 2012-2013 114015832P ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 20-21 2011-2012
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 20-21 2011-2012 114006703M ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 17-19 2008-2010
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 17-19 2008-2010 114003278Q ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 15-16 2005-2007
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 15-16 2005-2007 110870214O ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 13-14 2003-2005
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 13-14 2003-2005 110771629Y ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 12(1)-12(3) 2002-2003
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 12(1)-12(3) 2002-2003 110471271O ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 11(1)-11(2) 2001-2002
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 11(1)-11(2) 2001-2002 110371473R ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 10(1)-10(3) 2000-2001
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 10(1)-10(3) 2000-2001 110172181M ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 9(1)-9(2) 2000-2000
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 9(1)-9(2) 2000-2000 110172038N ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 7(1)-8(2) 1997-1999
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 7(1)-8(2) 1997-1999 110070473N ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 5(1)-6(2) 1995-1997
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 5(1)-6(2) 1995-1997 119770519/ ZN:137

Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 3(1)-4(2) 1993-1995
Library Periodicals Annex 4th fl. (Bound Periodicals) 3(1)-4(2) 1993-1995 119670790/ ZN:137

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Material Type Journals
Size 冊 ; 21cm
Other titles back cover title:Journal of international relations, Asia University
spine title:国際関係紀要
Notes 2巻は1号のみ刊行
本文: 日本語又は英語
責任表示変更: 亜細亜大学国際関係学会, 亜細亜学園創立50周年記念学術論文集編纂小委員会(1巻1号 (1991.11))→亜細亜大学国際関係学会(<2巻1号 (1993)>-7巻2号 (1998))→亜細亜大学国際関係研究所(8巻1号 (1998)-)
出版者変更: 亜細亜大学国際関係学会 : 亜細亜学園創立50周年記念学術論文集編纂小委員会(1巻1号 (1991.11))→亜細亜大学国際関係学会(<2巻1号 (1993)>-7巻2号 (1998))→亜細亜大学国際関係研究所(8巻1号 (1998)-)
Volumes(year) 1巻1号 (1991.11)-
Language Japanese,English
ID 5000006263
ISSN 09173935
Frequency annual